[Legion Core] Баг комбата
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-11-20 11:50
[Legion Core] таймер БГ не правильно работает.
PVP / ПВП - 2024-10-17 11:24
[Legion Core] Баг квеста "Гамбит пророка"
Quests - Argus / Квесты - Аргус - 2024-09-23 12:43
[Legion Core] Не работает Мамин нож для снятия шкур
Professions / Профессии - 2024-09-07 12:39
[Legion Core] Озеро Ледяных Оков
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-09-02 17:43
[Legion Core] Битва за Расколотый берег (!)
Quests - Broken Isles / Квесты - расколотые острова - 2024-08-30 10:22
[Legion Core] Неверный урон по мобам Пандарии
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-07-29 09:54
[Legion Core] Манекены в столицах, и оплотах
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-07-29 09:53
[Legion Core] Mount not jumping at normal height.
Other quests / Квесты - остальные (старт.локи, прочие) - 2024-07-07 14:20
[Legion Core] Ворота орды на варсонге
PVP / ПВП - 2024-07-06 11:13

Resolved 1 - 10 / 10948

[Legion Core] Саботаж в портале
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:22
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=10887/побег-из-гробницы
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:06
[Legion Core] Вызов в Зол'Хебе
Quests - Northrend / Квесты - Нордскол - 2024-11-24 12:33
[Legion Core] Аватара падшего (поиск рейда)
Instances / Инсты - 2024-11-24 12:03
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=47993/
Quests - Argus / Квесты - Аргус - 2024-11-22 11:42
[Legion Core] Подключение к силовым линиям / Tapping the Leylines
Quests - Broken Isles / Квесты - расколотые острова - 2024-11-22 07:59
[Legion Core] Накормить голодающего / Hungry Work
Quests - Broken Isles / Квесты - расколотые острова - 2024-11-22 07:58
[Legion Core] не работает квест https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=12512
Quests - Northrend / Квесты - Нордскол - 2024-11-21 21:50
[Legion Core] Выкройка: аристократический цилиндр
Professions / Профессии - 2024-11-21 19:31
[Legion Core] Не здесь, не сейчас, никогда / Not Here, Not Now, Not Ever (41464)
Quests - Broken Isles / Квесты - расколотые острова - 2024-11-21 19:26
[MoP core] Целительный ливень (объект)
Classes - Shaman - Шаман - 2024-11-24 20:40
[Legion Core] Тот самый мув спид мобов в подземельях, который точно такой же как в 2018году
Instances / Инсты - 2024-11-24 13:33
[Legion Core] Саботаж в портале
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:22
[Legion Core] Запределье (Альянс/Орда)
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:13
[Legion Core] Ogre RP missing entirely after completing the quest Into https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=11000
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:09
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=10887/побег-из-гробницы
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:06
[Legion Core] ломающийся (в некоторых случаях) квест в Азшаре
Quests Kalimdor / Квесты - Калимдор - 2024-11-24 12:50
[Legion Core] Ты поймешь, когда увидишь
Quests Kalimdor / Квесты - Калимдор - 2024-11-24 12:50
[Legion Core] Вызов в Зол'Хебе
Quests - Northrend / Квесты - Нордскол - 2024-11-24 12:33
[Legion Core] Аватара падшего (поиск рейда)
Instances / Инсты - 2024-11-24 12:03


   2024-08-18 .. 2024-08-25   
Union assigned issue 0030753 to Elhoron
2024-08-25 21:19
Union created issue 0030753
2024-08-25 21:19
Antigraf134 assigned issue 0030752 to Elhoron
2024-08-25 18:28
Antigraf134 created issue 0030752
2024-08-25 18:28
Stellarium commented on issue 0010642
2024-08-25 15:21
LordHell assigned issue 0030751 to Wonke
2024-08-25 15:17
LordHell created issue 0030751
2024-08-25 15:17
Stellarium commented on issue 0010641
2024-08-25 15:17
Troeto4ie assigned issue 0030750 to Stellarium
2024-08-25 14:49
Troeto4ie created issue 0030750
2024-08-25 14:49
Stellarium closed issue 0012276
2024-08-25 14:46
sidoneia commented on issue 0030594
2024-08-25 14:46
sidoneia attached file WoWScrnShot_082224_213827.jpg to issue 0030594
2024-08-25 14:46
helper assigned issue 0030749 to Cancer_patient
2024-08-25 14:30
helper created issue 0030749
2024-08-25 14:30
Igoreck Sagath assigned issue 0030748 to Kyckax
2024-08-25 14:15
Igoreck Sagath created issue 0030748
2024-08-25 14:15
Stellarium closed issue 0012071
2024-08-25 13:47
Stellarium resolved issue 0011893
2024-08-25 13:32
LordHell assigned issue 0030746 to Alica228
2024-08-25 11:59
LordHell closed issue 0030743
2024-08-25 11:20
LordHell assigned issue 0030740 to Slam
2024-08-25 10:19
Mernhard resolved issue 0027984
2024-08-25 09:13
Mernhard commented on issue 0027984
2024-08-25 09:13
Kyckax closed issue 0030695
2024-08-25 08:53
Kyckax commented on issue 0030695
2024-08-25 08:53
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030747 to Glazzer
2024-08-25 08:46
Sweetdeath created issue 0030747
2024-08-25 08:46
asteria closed issue 0024283
2024-08-25 02:21
Stellarium closed issue 0011827
2024-08-24 23:47
Stellarium closed issue 0011799
2024-08-24 23:40
Stellarium closed issue 0011711
2024-08-24 23:33
helper assigned issue 0030746 to LordHell
2024-08-24 22:48
helper created issue 0030746
2024-08-24 22:48
Stellarium closed issue 0011596
2024-08-24 22:15
Stellarium closed issue 0011101
2024-08-24 22:02
helper assigned issue 0030745 to Cancer_patient
2024-08-24 17:30
helper created issue 0030745
2024-08-24 17:30
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030744 to Glazzer
2024-08-24 16:32
Sweetdeath created issue 0030744
2024-08-24 16:32
helper assigned issue 0030743 to LordHell
2024-08-24 15:23
helper created issue 0030743
2024-08-24 15:23
helper assigned issue 0030741 to Cancer_patient
2024-08-24 13:54
helper created issue 0030741
2024-08-24 13:54
Mernhard resolved issue 0014556
2024-08-24 13:52
Mernhard commented on issue 0014556
2024-08-24 13:52
helper assigned issue 0030740 to LordHell
2024-08-24 13:16
helper created issue 0030740
2024-08-24 13:16
LordHell closed issue 0030733
2024-08-24 12:07
helper assigned issue 0030739 to Nix
2024-08-24 11:53
helper created issue 0030739
2024-08-24 11:53
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030737 to Deshang
2024-08-24 09:44
Sweetdeath picked up issue 0030737
2024-08-24 09:05
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030737 to Elhoron
2024-08-24 09:04
Sweetdeath created issue 0030737
2024-08-24 09:04
Nix picked up issue 0030735
2024-08-23 23:12
Slam resolved issue 0030573
2024-08-23 20:14
Unknown_Self assigned issue 0030584 to moJIto_ice
2024-08-23 20:09
Unknown_Self assigned issue 0030670 to moJIto_ice
2024-08-23 20:09
Slam resolved issue 0030725
2024-08-23 19:26
godxx assigned issue 0030721 to Ghost
2024-08-23 16:55
Stellarium closed issue 0011544
2024-08-23 16:54
Stellarium resolved issue 0011233
2024-08-23 16:49
Stellarium resolved issue 0011389
2024-08-23 16:43
helper assigned issue 0030735 to Sweetdeath
2024-08-23 16:16
helper created issue 0030735
2024-08-23 16:16
whitelow assigned issue 0030734 to xsinon1
2024-08-23 16:09
whitelow created issue 0030734
2024-08-23 16:09
Stellarium commented on issue 0011197
2024-08-23 15:54
helper assigned issue 0030733 to LordHell
2024-08-23 15:49
helper created issue 0030733
2024-08-23 15:49
helper assigned issue 0030732 to Cancer_patient
2024-08-23 15:35
helper created issue 0030732
2024-08-23 15:35
Antigraf134 assigned issue 0030731 to Nix
2024-08-23 15:14
Antigraf134 created issue 0030731
2024-08-23 15:14
Alica228 closed issue 0030729
2024-08-23 14:55
hellsight assigned issue 0030730 to Nix
2024-08-23 14:49
hellsight created issue 0030730
2024-08-23 14:49
Stellarium assigned issue 0030729 to Sweetdeath
2024-08-23 14:41
Stellarium created issue 0030729
2024-08-23 14:41
asteria closed issue 0015450
2024-08-23 12:41
LordHell assigned issue 0030727 to Wonke
2024-08-23 12:16
LordHell created issue 0030727
2024-08-23 12:16
asteria assigned issue 0024481 to Unknown_Self
2024-08-23 11:37
LordHell assigned issue 0025502 to Slam
2024-08-23 10:16
helper assigned issue 0030726 to Slam
2024-08-23 08:57
helper created issue 0030726
2024-08-23 08:57
Elhoron assigned issue 0030725 to Slam
2024-08-23 08:09
Elhoron created issue 0030725
2024-08-23 08:09
helper assigned issue 0030724 to xsinon1
2024-08-22 22:59
helper created issue 0030724
2024-08-22 22:59
Marowak commented on issue 0030721
2024-08-22 17:56
Unknown_Self picked up issue 0029814
2024-08-22 17:45
Unknown_Self picked up issue 0029348
2024-08-22 17:45
Unknown_Self reopened issue 0024283
2024-08-22 17:37
Unknown_Self resolved issue 0024283
2024-08-22 17:37
Mernhard resolved issue 0029688
2024-08-22 17:21
Mernhard commented on issue 0029688
2024-08-22 17:21
Mernhard closed issue 0029381
2024-08-22 17:19
Mernhard commented on issue 0029381
2024-08-22 17:19
godxx commented on issue 0030721
2024-08-22 17:15
Mernhard resolved issue 0028674
2024-08-22 17:11
Mernhard commented on issue 0028674
2024-08-22 17:11
godxx assigned issue 0030719 to Ghost
2024-08-22 16:59
Kyckax closed issue 0030718
2024-08-22 16:35
Kyckax commented on issue 0030718
2024-08-22 16:35
mist assigned issue 0030601 to Mernhard
2024-08-22 16:34
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030723 to Mernhard
2024-08-22 16:34
Sweetdeath created issue 0030723
2024-08-22 16:34
LordHell assigned issue 0025621 to Alica228
2024-08-22 16:05
Alica228 closed issue 0030693
2024-08-22 15:43
Shadowraze closed issue 0028534
2024-08-22 15:40
Mernhard commented on issue 0026734
2024-08-22 15:21
Mernhard commented on issue 0027973
2024-08-22 15:20
LordHell resolved issue 0024735
2024-08-22 13:47
Unknown_Self closed issue 0030701
2024-08-22 13:27
LordHell closed issue 0026784
2024-08-22 13:23
notnagor commented on issue 0030701
2024-08-22 13:03
LordHell closed issue 0026851
2024-08-22 12:39
Shadowraze closed issue 0030643
2024-08-22 12:10
Shadowraze closed issue 0030611
2024-08-22 12:10
Shadowraze closed issue 0004024
2024-08-22 12:10
Shadowraze assigned issue 0030707 to Mernhard
2024-08-22 12:09
Shadowraze assigned issue 0030708 to Mernhard
2024-08-22 12:08
LordHell closed issue 0027075
2024-08-22 11:33
Marowak assigned issue 0030721 to godxx
2024-08-22 10:47
Marowak created issue 0030721
2024-08-22 10:47
Elhoron assigned issue 0030720 to Deshang
2024-08-22 10:45
Elhoron created issue 0030720
2024-08-22 10:45
Marowak assigned issue 0030719 to godxx
2024-08-22 10:44
Marowak created issue 0030719
2024-08-22 10:44
Alica228 closed issue 0028331
2024-08-22 09:36
LordHell closed issue 0027359
2024-08-22 09:33
Cancer_patient commented on issue 0030703
2024-08-22 06:28
Cancer_patient closed issue 0030703
2024-08-22 06:28
Daratan attached file Screenshot_1.png to issue 0030718
2024-08-22 00:31
Daratan assigned issue 0030718 to Kyckax
2024-08-22 00:31
Daratan created issue 0030718
2024-08-22 00:31
Sweetdeath closed issue 0030715
2024-08-21 20:03
Alica228 closed issue 0027382
2024-08-21 16:32
LordHell assigned issue 0030717 to Alica228
2024-08-21 16:31
LordHell created issue 0030717
2024-08-21 16:31
LordHell resolved issue 0027382
2024-08-21 16:27
Unknown_Self commented on issue 0030701
2024-08-21 14:47
Arithawn commented on issue 0030693
2024-08-21 14:14
LordHell closed issue 0021927
2024-08-21 12:20
LordHell closed issue 0028137
2024-08-21 12:18
LordHell assigned issue 0030716 to Wonke
2024-08-21 12:17
LordHell created issue 0030716
2024-08-21 12:17
hellsight closed issue 0029970
2024-08-21 12:12
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030715 to Nix
2024-08-21 11:47
Sweetdeath created issue 0030715
2024-08-21 11:47
Deshang resolved issue 0030714
2024-08-21 10:56
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030714 to Deshang
2024-08-21 10:48
Sweetdeath created issue 0030714
2024-08-21 10:48
LordHell closed issue 0027525
2024-08-21 10:38
LordHell assigned issue 0020682 to Wonke
2024-08-21 10:38
LordHell resolved issue 0027059
2024-08-21 09:49
Elhoron commented on issue 0030702
2024-08-21 09:37
Elhoron resolved issue 0030702
2024-08-21 09:36
Smertchx commented on issue 0030453
2024-08-21 09:34
whitelow assigned issue 0030713 to Alica228
2024-08-21 07:55
whitelow created issue 0030713
2024-08-21 07:55
asteria resolved issue 0026192
2024-08-21 07:46
Elhoron closed issue 0030607
2024-08-21 07:30
Elhoron commented on issue 0030607
2024-08-21 07:30
Elhoron commented on issue 0030638
2024-08-21 07:28
Elhoron closed issue 0030638
2024-08-21 07:28
Elhoron assigned issue 0030702 to Sanmay
2024-08-21 07:21
Elhoron commented on issue 0030702
2024-08-21 07:20
Pensator commented on issue 0030693
2024-08-21 07:09
Pensator commented on issue 0030693
2024-08-21 07:05
Meth0 commented on issue 0030650
2024-08-20 22:45
Meth0 attached file Screenshot_3.png to issue 0030650
2024-08-20 22:45
mist resolved issue 0030376
2024-08-20 21:58
icepeak commented on issue 0010258
2024-08-20 21:35
icepeak commented on issue 0017843
2024-08-20 21:02
Kyckax closed issue 0030705
2024-08-20 19:40
Kyckax commented on issue 0030705
2024-08-20 19:40
Slam resolved issue 0030597
2024-08-20 19:10
Slam resolved issue 0030712
2024-08-20 19:09
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030712 to Slam
2024-08-20 18:29
Sweetdeath created issue 0030712
2024-08-20 18:29
Nebesnayakara commented on issue 0030702
2024-08-20 18:08
Nebesnayakara attached file Безымянный.png to issue 0030702
2024-08-20 18:08
Nebesnayakara commented on issue 0030702
2024-08-20 18:07
djpandaren commented on issue 0030597
2024-08-20 17:19
djpandaren attached file WoWScrnShot_082024_181839.jpg to issue 0030597
2024-08-20 17:19
icepeak closed issue 0030520
2024-08-20 14:53
icepeak closed issue 0016440
2024-08-20 14:53
icepeak closed issue 0016439
2024-08-20 14:52
icepeak commented on issue 0017829
2024-08-20 14:44
LordHell closed issue 0026541
2024-08-20 13:50
Nebesnayakara commented on issue 0030702
2024-08-20 12:58
Nebesnayakara attached file Screenshot_1.png to issue 0030702
2024-08-20 12:58
Slam resolved issue 0030127
2024-08-20 12:23
Ghost resolved issue 0030648
2024-08-20 12:20
asteria resolved issue 0027875
2024-08-20 12:13
asteria resolved issue 0028205
2024-08-20 11:56
Slam commented on issue 0030597
2024-08-20 11:55
Slam resolved issue 0030706
2024-08-20 11:54
mist assigned issue 0030648 to Ghost
2024-08-20 11:51
Cloyberg commented on issue 0030710
2024-08-20 11:51
asteria resolved issue 0028569
2024-08-20 11:48
asteria resolved issue 0029410
2024-08-20 11:41
asteria resolved issue 0028562
2024-08-20 11:32
LordHell assigned issue 0030711 to Ghost
2024-08-20 11:24
LordHell created issue 0030711
2024-08-20 11:24
Alica228 picked up issue 0030710
2024-08-20 10:53
Alica228 created issue 0030710
2024-08-20 10:53
LordHell resolved issue 0028309
2024-08-20 10:50
Mentilar assigned issue 0030708 to Shadowraze
2024-08-20 10:32
Mentilar created issue 0030708
2024-08-20 10:32
Mentilar assigned issue 0030707 to Shadowraze
2024-08-20 10:30
Mentilar created issue 0030707
2024-08-20 10:30
icepeak commented on issue 0029968
2024-08-20 10:23
asteria commented on issue 0019499
2024-08-20 10:17
asteria resolved issue 0025792
2024-08-20 09:56
asteria resolved issue 0030500
2024-08-20 09:33
Kyckax assigned issue 0030706 to Slam
2024-08-20 09:31
Kyckax created issue 0030706
2024-08-20 09:31
Bernz26 assigned issue 0030705 to Kyckax
2024-08-20 09:03
Bernz26 created issue 0030705
2024-08-20 09:03
asteria resolved issue 0027819
2024-08-20 08:25
Igoreck Sagath assigned issue 0030704 to Kyckax
2024-08-20 08:00
Igoreck Sagath created issue 0030704
2024-08-20 08:00
asteria closed issue 0000608
2024-08-20 07:56
asteria assigned issue 0030107 to Nix
2024-08-20 07:24
asteria assigned issue 0027984 to Mernhard
2024-08-20 07:24
asteria assigned issue 0030041 to godxx
2024-08-20 07:23
asteria assigned issue 0030038 to Mernhard
2024-08-20 07:22
asteria assigned issue 0018368 to Slam
2024-08-20 07:21
asteria assigned issue 0029816 to Ghost
2024-08-20 07:19
asteria assigned issue 0028101 to Massacre
2024-08-20 07:18
asteria assigned issue 0028684 to Slam
2024-08-20 07:16
asteria commented on issue 0020556
2024-08-20 07:15
asteria closed issue 0020556
2024-08-20 07:15
asteria assigned issue 0006649 to Mernhard
2024-08-20 07:12
Tsugurugi assigned issue 0030703 to Cancer_patient
2024-08-20 06:25
Tsugurugi created issue 0030703
2024-08-20 06:25
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0030694 to Alica228
2024-08-20 05:20
Slam resolved issue 0030281
2024-08-19 22:10
Stellarium closed issue 0030509
2024-08-19 20:03
icepeak commented on issue 0013874
2024-08-19 19:02
Slam resolved issue 0028061
2024-08-19 18:48
icepeak commented on issue 0029518
2024-08-19 18:42
icepeak commented on issue 0028061
2024-08-19 18:17
icepeak commented on issue 0024309
2024-08-19 17:47
icepeak commented on issue 0010118
2024-08-19 17:45
icepeak commented on issue 0013345
2024-08-19 17:40
icepeak commented on issue 0007005
2024-08-19 17:13
djpandaren commented on issue 0030597
2024-08-19 17:09
godxx closed issue 0030697
2024-08-19 17:04
godxx closed issue 0030696
2024-08-19 17:04
LordHell commented on issue 0030698
2024-08-19 16:49
LordHell closed issue 0030698
2024-08-19 16:47
Nebesnayakara assigned issue 0030702 to Elhoron
2024-08-19 15:27
Nebesnayakara created issue 0030702
2024-08-19 15:27
Kyckax closed issue 0009216
2024-08-19 15:27
notnagor attached file Скриншот 19-08-2024 154700.jpg to issue 0030701
2024-08-19 15:24
notnagor attached file Скриншот 19-08-2024 154547.jpg to issue 0030701
2024-08-19 15:24
notnagor assigned issue 0030701 to Unknown_Self
2024-08-19 15:24
notnagor created issue 0030701
2024-08-19 15:24
icepeak commented on issue 0017820
2024-08-19 14:58
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0030700 to Nix
2024-08-19 14:33
Sweetdeath created issue 0030700
2024-08-19 14:33
icepeak commented on issue 0030453
2024-08-19 13:41
Slam commented on issue 0030597
2024-08-19 13:24
icepeak resolved issue 0016425
2024-08-19 12:37
icepeak commented on issue 0016425
2024-08-19 12:37
icepeak commented on issue 0030597
2024-08-19 12:15
Meth0 commented on issue 0030698
2024-08-19 11:43
xenus84 commented on issue 0030683
2024-08-19 11:38
m3lvone attached file сломалсяквест1.png to issue 0030698
2024-08-19 11:33
m3lvone attached file сломалсяквест2.png to issue 0030698
2024-08-19 11:33
m3lvone assigned issue 0030698 to LordHell
2024-08-19 11:33
m3lvone created issue 0030698
2024-08-19 11:33
asteria assigned issue 0019762 to Sanmay
2024-08-19 09:41
Alica228 resolved issue 0030667
2024-08-19 09:34
asteria assigned issue 0019764 to Sanmay
2024-08-19 09:29
asteria assigned issue 0027851 to Deshang
2024-08-19 09:24
asteria closed issue 0019759
2024-08-19 08:33
asteria assigned issue 0000115 to Sanmay
2024-08-19 08:32
davidgn attached file WoWScrnShot_081924_003359.jpg to issue 0030697
2024-08-19 07:09
davidgn assigned issue 0030697 to godxx
2024-08-19 07:09
davidgn created issue 0030697
2024-08-19 07:09
davidgn attached file WoWScrnShot_081924_003359.jpg to issue 0030696
2024-08-19 06:48
davidgn assigned issue 0030696 to godxx
2024-08-19 06:48
davidgn created issue 0030696
2024-08-19 06:48
Sovushka assigned issue 0030695 to Kyckax
2024-08-19 04:35
Sovushka created issue 0030695
2024-08-19 04:35
helper assigned issue 0030694 to Cancer_patient
2024-08-18 23:38
helper created issue 0030694
2024-08-18 23:38