View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0032567Legion CoreProfessions / Профессииpublic2025-03-27 00:52
ReporterTaaeer Assigned ToUnknown_Self  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformWindowsOS10OS Versionx64
Summary0032567: It's not possible to complete the quest because the herbs don't appear
DescriptionThe quest requires to collect from any herb that can be collected by herbalist, but in fact there is no herb. I have herbalism skill 75, but no roots at all. I've travelled all over the northern steppes.



2025-03-27 00:52

updater   ~0078774

Hello, quest work fine ( ,
Drops from: Briarthorn, Silverleaf and Mageroyal

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-22 08:20 Taaeer New Issue
2025-03-22 08:20 Taaeer Status new => assigned
2025-03-22 08:20 Taaeer Assigned To => Stellarium
2025-03-23 14:31 Stellarium Assigned To Stellarium => Unknown_Self
2025-03-23 14:31 Stellarium Category Quests[Cataclysm] / Задания[Катаклизм] => Professions / Профессии
2025-03-27 00:52 Unknown_Self Note Added: 0078774
2025-03-27 00:52 Unknown_Self Status assigned => closed
2025-03-27 00:52 Unknown_Self Resolution open => unable to reproduce