View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021739Legion CoreBattle Pets / Боевые питомцыpublic2025-03-10 16:20
ReporterOneMadPenguin Assigned ToZabavushka  
Status resolvedResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOS10OS Versionx64
Summary0021739: Quest "Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor" bugged, can't complete
DescriptionMet Elena Flutterfly in Moonglade,
Took quest she offers (already had quest for Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor")
Killed her pets
She vanished for a few minutes, and returned. No "?". Offers to fight again.
Victory Denied
==> In addition
Pet "Personal World Destroyer" shows bugs
1: Cooldown on skills is off by one (should not be able to cast "screeching gears" continually)
2: Skill "Screeching gears" appears to be 75% effective at stunning opponent, should be 25%.
==> In addition
Changing pet skills does not work correctly, relogging required to take effect.
Attached Files



2022-09-02 13:52

reporter   ~0060283

Update (would have edited before filing report but this I/F times out too fast)
1: Progression of "Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor" DOES PROCEED (works); only the quest offered by the tamer fails to complete.
2: Skill changes are correctly updated after /reload ui; full relog not required.


2023-03-10 13:25

reporter   ~0067382

Нету кнопки чтобы начать битву с питомцем.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-09-02 13:43 OneMadPenguin New Issue
2022-09-02 13:43 OneMadPenguin Status new => assigned
2022-09-02 13:43 OneMadPenguin Assigned To => Mentor
2022-09-02 13:52 OneMadPenguin Note Added: 0060283
2022-09-04 06:52 Mentor Assigned To Mentor => Sweetdeath
2023-02-25 05:56 Sweetdeath Assigned To Sweetdeath => Xend
2023-02-26 13:22 Kyckax Assigned To Xend => Igoreck Sagath
2023-03-05 20:13 Igoreck Sagath Assigned To Igoreck Sagath => Shadowraze
2023-03-05 20:13 Igoreck Sagath Category Quests Kalimdor / Квесты - Калимдор => Battle Pets / Боевые питомцы
2023-03-10 13:25 Shadowraze File Added: WoWScrnShot_031023_142342.jpg
2023-03-10 13:25 Shadowraze Note Added: 0067382
2023-03-13 04:06 Mernhard Status assigned => resolved
2025-03-10 16:20 Zabavushka Assigned To Shadowraze => Zabavushka