View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015781Legion CoreClasses - Mage - Магpublic2022-06-30 20:36
Reporterarbus1994Assigned ToGhost 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Summary0015781: only procs at the light side
Descriptionhello i have used over 400 relics in the nethertiegel on the "legion test" server to
combine with dark side but it proc only
on the light side not even in the middle or left , although it should be random



2021-07-28 14:15


WoWScrnShot_072821_140305.jpg (445,566 bytes)


2021-07-30 15:31

reporter   ~0047146

Hello, is there a proof that it should not work like ours?


2021-07-30 17:55

reporter   ~0047149

You guys need proof for a missing trait? Why should there be a missing trait?
Guess I need to check PTR first too before I donate any relics. xD


2021-07-30 17:57

reporter   ~0047150

Here you go
How the Crucible Works:
"For the final tier, there are three options of traits present on relics normally. Those options are random, but can't be the same trait given by the relic. Also they aren't limited to traits that give throughput, they can be utility traits, as long as they can appear in relics."


2021-07-31 01:53

reporter   ~0047165

it should be complete random, it works with all abilities, only pre ignite dosent procc at other place , as bravep linked it above so please stop kidding with proof!!


2021-07-31 02:09

reporter   ~0047167 her this mage got 2 dark traits in Tier 2 and 1 Light trait in Tier 2, but in Tier 3 he got 2 pre ignite so it should be combined with dark Tier 2 side.


2021-07-31 02:20



2021-07-31 02:21

reporter   ~0047168

I hope its enough, have a good Day


2021-07-31 02:22

reporter   ~0047169

I hope its enough, have a good Day


2021-08-06 14:10

reporter   ~0047328

is this being processed now, or why is there nothing more from you?


2021-08-06 22:23

reporter   ~0047340

I will send to the developer.


2022-05-23 23:01

reporter   ~0056871

why is this trade closed you got enough proofs


2022-06-30 20:36

developer   ~0058336

the reason was clearly indicated - "unsolvable"

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-07-28 14:15 arbus1994 New Issue
2021-07-28 14:15 arbus1994 Status new => assigned
2021-07-28 14:15 arbus1994 Assigned To => Shadowraze
2021-07-28 14:15 arbus1994 File Added: WoWScrnShot_072821_140305.jpg
2021-07-30 15:31 Shadowraze Note Added: 0047146
2021-07-30 15:32 Shadowraze Status assigned => feedback
2021-07-30 17:55 Bravep Note Added: 0047149
2021-07-30 17:57 Bravep Note Added: 0047150
2021-07-31 01:53 arbus1994 Note Added: 0047165
2021-07-31 01:53 arbus1994 Status feedback => assigned
2021-07-31 02:09 arbus1994 Note Added: 0047167
2021-07-31 02:20 arbus1994 File Added: Screenshot_20210731-021418_Chrome.jpg
2021-07-31 02:21 arbus1994 Note Added: 0047168
2021-07-31 02:22 arbus1994 Note Added: 0047169
2021-08-06 14:10 arbus1994 Note Added: 0047328
2021-08-06 22:23 Shadowraze Note Added: 0047340
2021-08-06 22:23 Shadowraze Assigned To Shadowraze => Ghost
2021-08-06 22:23 Shadowraze Status assigned => confirmed
2021-10-21 18:46 Ghost Status confirmed => closed
2021-10-21 18:46 Ghost Resolution open => not fixable
2022-05-23 22:58 arbus1994 Status closed => feedback
2022-05-23 22:58 arbus1994 Resolution not fixable => reopened
2022-05-23 23:01 arbus1994 Note Added: 0056871
2022-05-23 23:01 arbus1994 Status feedback => assigned
2022-06-30 20:36 Ghost Status assigned => closed
2022-06-30 20:36 Ghost Note Added: 0058336