[Legion Core] Не работает Мамин нож для снятия шкур
Professions / Профессии - 2024-11-26 14:30
[Legion Core] Баг комбата
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-11-20 11:50
[Legion Core] таймер БГ не правильно работает.
PVP / ПВП - 2024-10-17 11:24
[Legion Core] Баг квеста "Гамбит пророка"
Quests - Argus / Квесты - Аргус - 2024-09-23 12:43
[Legion Core] Озеро Ледяных Оков
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-09-02 17:43
[Legion Core] Битва за Расколотый берег (!)
Quests - Broken Isles / Квесты - расколотые острова - 2024-08-30 10:22
[Legion Core] Неверный урон по мобам Пандарии
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-07-29 09:54
[Legion Core] Манекены в столицах, и оплотах
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-07-29 09:53
[Legion Core] Mount not jumping at normal height.
Other quests / Квесты - остальные (старт.локи, прочие) - 2024-07-07 14:20
[Legion Core] Ворота орды на варсонге
PVP / ПВП - 2024-07-06 11:13

Resolved 1 - 10 / 10952

[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/spell=208226
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-11-26 21:48
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=34932
Quests - Draenor / Квесты - Дренор - 2024-11-25 21:11
[Legion Core] Неправильно отображающийся шмот у вульпер
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-11-25 17:50
[Legion Core] Оборона шпиля
Quests - Argus / Квесты - Аргус - 2024-11-24 21:26
[Legion Core] Саботаж в портале
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:22
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=10887/побег-из-гробницы
Quests - Outland / Квесты - Запределье - 2024-11-24 13:06
[Legion Core] Вызов в Зол'Хебе
Quests - Northrend / Квесты - Нордскол - 2024-11-24 12:33
[Legion Core] Аватара падшего (поиск рейда)
Instances / Инсты - 2024-11-24 12:03
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/quest=47993/
Quests - Argus / Квесты - Аргус - 2024-11-22 11:42
[Legion Core] Подключение к силовым линиям / Tapping the Leylines
Quests - Broken Isles / Квесты - расколотые острова - 2024-11-22 07:59
[Legion Core] Освящение+баф
Classes - Paladin - Паладин - 2024-11-26 22:38
[Legion Core] https://www.wowhead.com/ru/spell=208226
Other bugs / Остальное - 2024-11-26 21:48
[Legion Core] Дым, застилающий глаза
Quests - Cataclysm / Квесты - Катаклизм - 2024-11-26 21:17
[Legion Core] Благословение патриарха
Other quests / Квесты - остальные (старт.локи, прочие) - 2024-11-26 18:29
[Legion Core] Оттянуть неизбежное
Other quests / Квесты - остальные (старт.локи, прочие) - 2024-11-26 18:17
[Legion Core] Лиам Седогрив.
Other quests / Квесты - остальные (старт.локи, прочие) - 2024-11-26 18:02
[Legion Core] Тот самый мув спид мобов в подземельях, который точно такой же как в 2018году
Instances / Инсты - 2024-11-26 17:46
[Legion Core] Общий репорт по "Пиршество Странников"
World events / Игровые события - 2024-11-26 15:47
[Legion Core] Поломался подбор подземелий
Other quests / Квесты - остальные (старт.локи, прочие) - 2024-11-26 15:31
[Legion Core] Не работает Мамин нож для снятия шкур
Professions / Профессии - 2024-11-26 14:30


   2024-03-06 .. 2024-03-13   
Spllin124 attached file изображение_2024-03-13_105111088.png to issue 0029528
2024-03-13 04:51
Spllin124 attached file WoWScrnShot_031324_103647.jpg to issue 0029528
2024-03-13 04:51
Spllin124 attached file WoWScrnShot_031324_103754.jpg to issue 0029528
2024-03-13 04:51
Spllin124 assigned issue 0029528 to Unknown_Self
2024-03-13 04:51
Spllin124 created issue 0029528
2024-03-13 04:51
LordHell assigned issue 0029527 to Mernhard
2024-03-12 23:52
LordHell created issue 0029527
2024-03-12 23:52
LordHell assigned issue 0029526 to Wonke
2024-03-12 21:04
LordHell created issue 0029526
2024-03-12 21:04
Stellarium assigned issue 0029525 to Kyckax
2024-03-12 20:46
Stellarium created issue 0029525
2024-03-12 20:46
Stellarium assigned issue 0029524 to Alica228
2024-03-12 20:42
Stellarium created issue 0029524
2024-03-12 20:42
Cancer_patient picked up issue 0029523
2024-03-12 14:38
Cancer_patient created issue 0029523
2024-03-12 14:38
Luciferus555 picked up issue 0029522
2024-03-12 13:57
Luciferus555 created issue 0029522
2024-03-12 13:57
Cancer_patient commented on issue 0029499
2024-03-12 13:52
Cancer_patient attached file WoWScrnShot_031224_165058.jpg to issue 0029499
2024-03-12 13:52
godxx closed issue 0029260
2024-03-12 12:22
godxx closed issue 0029255
2024-03-12 12:21
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0026311 to Mernhard
2024-03-12 12:21
godxx commented on issue 0028453
2024-03-12 12:00
godxx assigned issue 0028453 to Ghost
2024-03-12 11:57
Elhoron picked up issue 0029521
2024-03-12 11:48
Elhoron created issue 0029521
2024-03-12 11:48
Neenya commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-12 10:52
Kyckax resolved issue 0027894
2024-03-12 10:13
Kyckax assigned issue 0027894 to Massacre
2024-03-12 10:13
Kyckax commented on issue 0027894
2024-03-12 10:13
helper assigned issue 0029520 to Nix
2024-03-12 10:03
helper created issue 0029520
2024-03-12 10:03
Sweetdeath closed issue 0026483
2024-03-12 08:50
Sweetdeath closed issue 0027701
2024-03-12 08:18
Sweetdeath resolved issue 0025511
2024-03-12 08:07
Sweetdeath resolved issue 0021793
2024-03-12 07:54
Sweetdeath closed issue 0021670
2024-03-12 07:49
godxx assigned issue 0029391 to Ghost
2024-03-12 07:38
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0021450 to Shadowraze
2024-03-12 07:00
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0020983 to Kyckax
2024-03-12 06:57
ZaZdFd assigned issue 0029519 to Nix
2024-03-12 06:48
ZaZdFd created issue 0029519
2024-03-12 06:48
Cancer_patient resolved issue 0029513
2024-03-12 04:20
Spoody commented on issue 0028818
2024-03-11 21:27
helper assigned issue 0029518 to Alica228
2024-03-11 19:47
helper created issue 0029518
2024-03-11 19:47
Neoncraft commented on issue 0029513
2024-03-11 19:19
Cancer_patient commented on issue 0029513
2024-03-11 19:04
Neoncraft commented on issue 0029513
2024-03-11 18:10
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0029517 to Whoop
2024-03-11 15:34
Sweetdeath created issue 0029517
2024-03-11 15:34
Deshang commented on issue 0029433
2024-03-11 09:52
Deshang resolved issue 0029433
2024-03-11 09:52
Deshang resolved issue 0029514
2024-03-11 09:51
helper assigned issue 0029515 to Nix
2024-03-11 08:44
helper created issue 0029515
2024-03-11 08:44
hellsight assigned issue 0029497 to Shadowraze
2024-03-11 08:25
Elhoron assigned issue 0029514 to Deshang
2024-03-11 08:21
hellsight assigned issue 0029189 to xsinon1
2024-03-11 08:20
drekxter commented on issue 0029255
2024-03-11 05:06
Cancer_patient closed issue 0029512
2024-03-11 00:08
Cancer_patient commented on issue 0029513
2024-03-11 00:04
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029514 to Elhoron
2024-03-10 22:02
Cancer_patient created issue 0029514
2024-03-10 22:02
Neoncraft attached file WoWScrnShot_031024_214428.jpg to issue 0029513
2024-03-10 19:55
Neoncraft assigned issue 0029513 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-10 19:55
Neoncraft created issue 0029513
2024-03-10 19:55
Neoncraft assigned issue 0029512 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-10 18:58
Neoncraft created issue 0029512
2024-03-10 18:58
Belph commented on issue 0029489
2024-03-10 17:17
Elhoron assigned issue 0029511 to Slam
2024-03-10 16:37
Elhoron created issue 0029511
2024-03-10 16:37
hellsight commented on issue 0029281
2024-03-10 14:31
hellsight assigned issue 0029281 to Nix
2024-03-10 14:31
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029510 to Whoop
2024-03-10 14:06
Cancer_patient picked up issue 0029510
2024-03-10 14:06
Cancer_patient created issue 0029510
2024-03-10 14:06
Shadowraze assigned issue 0029497 to hellsight
2024-03-10 13:44
Shadowraze commented on issue 0029494
2024-03-10 13:41
Shadowraze commented on issue 0029492
2024-03-10 13:40
Inclydi commented on issue 0029438
2024-03-10 13:21
Inclydi commented on issue 0029438
2024-03-10 13:20
helper assigned issue 0029509 to Kyckax
2024-03-10 11:52
helper created issue 0029509
2024-03-10 11:52
Jnc commented on issue 0029500
2024-03-10 11:28
Stellarium closed issue 0029429
2024-03-10 10:51
Arithawn commented on issue 0028787
2024-03-10 10:51
Stellarium assigned issue 0029489 to Whoop
2024-03-10 10:44
Stellarium commented on issue 0029489
2024-03-10 10:43
Velionaxq assigned issue 0029508 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-10 10:41
Velionaxq created issue 0029508
2024-03-10 10:41
meds123 commented on issue 0029507
2024-03-10 08:20
meds123 attached file WoWScrnShot_030824_115109.jpg to issue 0029507
2024-03-10 06:59
meds123 attached file WoWScrnShot_030824_115045.jpg to issue 0029507
2024-03-10 06:59
meds123 attached file WoWScrnShot_030824_115027.jpg to issue 0029507
2024-03-10 06:59
meds123 assigned issue 0029507 to Nix
2024-03-10 06:59
meds123 created issue 0029507
2024-03-10 06:59
godxx closed issue 0029503
2024-03-10 03:10
Belph commented on issue 0029489
2024-03-09 23:32
helper assigned issue 0029506 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-09 13:27
helper created issue 0029506
2024-03-09 13:27
ZaZdFd commented on issue 0029413
2024-03-09 12:42
ZaZdFd reopened issue 0029413
2024-03-09 12:42
Unknown_Self assigned issue 0029438 to Alica228
2024-03-09 07:44
Unknown_Self commented on issue 0029438
2024-03-09 07:40
Cancer_patient closed issue 0023631
2024-03-09 04:35
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029504 to Whoop
2024-03-09 04:34
Cancer_patient created issue 0029504
2024-03-09 04:34
TutITam assigned issue 0029503 to godxx
2024-03-08 19:30
TutITam created issue 0029503
2024-03-08 19:30
Stellarium assigned issue 0029502 to Kyckax
2024-03-08 18:36
Stellarium created issue 0029502
2024-03-08 18:36
Stellarium assigned issue 0029501 to Alica228
2024-03-08 18:33
Stellarium created issue 0029501
2024-03-08 18:33
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029495
2024-03-08 14:22
xsinon1 assigned issue 0029441 to Slam
2024-03-08 14:05
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029441
2024-03-08 14:05
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029480
2024-03-08 13:49
xsinon1 assigned issue 0029480 to Slam
2024-03-08 13:49
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029428
2024-03-08 13:32
xsinon1 assigned issue 0029428 to Mernhard
2024-03-08 13:32
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029415
2024-03-08 13:30
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029375
2024-03-08 13:18
xsinon1 commented on issue 0029374
2024-03-08 13:14
The_crow assigned issue 0029500 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-08 11:42
The_crow created issue 0029500
2024-03-08 11:42
Sweetdeath assigned issue 0029490 to Massacre
2024-03-08 11:37
hellsight closed issue 0029231
2024-03-08 11:35
hellsight assigned issue 0028998 to Nix
2024-03-08 11:30
hellsight closed issue 0029276
2024-03-08 11:22
hellsight commented on issue 0029209
2024-03-08 11:16
hellsight assigned issue 0029209 to Nix
2024-03-08 11:16
hellsight assigned issue 0029418 to Nix
2024-03-08 11:04
Ailankor assigned issue 0029499 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-08 09:17
Ailankor created issue 0029499
2024-03-08 09:17
Cancer_patient closed issue 0029316
2024-03-08 08:52
Cancer_patient commented on issue 0029316
2024-03-08 08:51
Stellarium commented on issue 0029489
2024-03-07 22:49
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0028787 to Whoop
2024-03-07 20:34
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0028893 to Whoop
2024-03-07 20:33
Shalfey commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 18:07
Shalfey commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 18:04
Ghost commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 17:44
ZaZdFd assigned issue 0029498 to Nix
2024-03-07 17:30
ZaZdFd created issue 0029498
2024-03-07 17:30
gera123 commented on issue 0028453
2024-03-07 17:05
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029481 to Alica228
2024-03-07 15:43
LordHell reopened issue 0029493
2024-03-07 15:33
LordHell assigned issue 0029493 to Wonke
2024-03-07 15:33
Cancer_patient commented on issue 0029467
2024-03-07 15:23
LordHell closed issue 0029493
2024-03-07 15:22
helper assigned issue 0029497 to Shadowraze
2024-03-07 14:49
helper created issue 0029497
2024-03-07 14:49
Shalfey commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 13:26
Shalfey commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 13:25
Shalfey commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 13:21
Shalfey attached file тест.png to issue 0029391
2024-03-07 13:21
helper assigned issue 0029495 to xsinon1
2024-03-07 12:55
helper created issue 0029495
2024-03-07 12:55
Cancer_patient resolved issue 0029485
2024-03-07 12:18
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029485 to Whoop
2024-03-07 12:18
Cancer_patient resolved issue 0029465
2024-03-07 12:18
Neenya commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 11:55
Neenya attached file image_2.png to issue 0029391
2024-03-07 11:55
Neenya attached file image-2.png to issue 0029391
2024-03-07 11:55
Neenya commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 11:48
Neenya commented on issue 0029391
2024-03-07 11:47
Neenya attached file image.png to issue 0029391
2024-03-07 11:47
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029465 to Whoop
2024-03-07 11:32
Cancer_patient picked up issue 0029467
2024-03-07 11:31
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029467 to Whoop
2024-03-07 11:31
helper assigned issue 0029494 to Shadowraze
2024-03-07 10:06
helper created issue 0029494
2024-03-07 10:06
TutITam commented on issue 0029218
2024-03-07 09:45
helper assigned issue 0029493 to LordHell
2024-03-07 09:40
helper created issue 0029493
2024-03-07 09:40
Unknown_Self closed issue 0029406
2024-03-07 08:41
Unknown_Self commented on issue 0029406
2024-03-07 08:40
Unknown_Self closed issue 0029477
2024-03-07 08:36
Unknown_Self commented on issue 0029477
2024-03-07 08:36
helper assigned issue 0029492 to Shadowraze
2024-03-07 07:33
helper created issue 0029492
2024-03-07 07:33
helper assigned issue 0029491 to Alica228
2024-03-07 07:24
helper created issue 0029491
2024-03-07 07:24
Unknown_Self commented on issue 0029453
2024-03-07 07:18
Unknown_Self assigned issue 0029453 to Slam
2024-03-07 07:18
Elhoron assigned issue 0029451 to Mernhard
2024-03-07 07:03
Elhoron commented on issue 0029451
2024-03-07 07:03
helper assigned issue 0029490 to Kyckax
2024-03-07 07:02
helper created issue 0029490
2024-03-07 07:02
ZaZdFd commented on issue 0029487
2024-03-07 06:13
LordHell assigned issue 0029486 to Alica228
2024-03-07 01:52
LordHell commented on issue 0029482
2024-03-07 00:50
Belph commented on issue 0029489
2024-03-06 22:19
Belph assigned issue 0029489 to Stellarium
2024-03-06 22:18
Belph created issue 0029489
2024-03-06 22:18
LordHell assigned issue 0029479 to Alica228
2024-03-06 21:14
LordHell assigned issue 0029475 to Alica228
2024-03-06 21:13
LordHell assigned issue 0029460 to Alica228
2024-03-06 21:12
LordHell assigned issue 0029458 to Alica228
2024-03-06 21:08
Cancer_patient assigned issue 0029488 to Alica228
2024-03-06 19:41
Cancer_patient created issue 0029488
2024-03-06 19:41
ZaZdFd assigned issue 0029487 to Nix
2024-03-06 19:33
ZaZdFd created issue 0029487
2024-03-06 19:33
mustdie commented on issue 0029482
2024-03-06 18:53
helper assigned issue 0029486 to LordHell
2024-03-06 18:46
helper created issue 0029486
2024-03-06 18:46
helper assigned issue 0029485 to Cancer_patient
2024-03-06 18:37
helper created issue 0029485
2024-03-06 18:37
godxx assigned issue 0029484 to Ghost
2024-03-06 15:17
godxx created issue 0029484
2024-03-06 15:17
LordHell assigned issue 0029479 to Wonke
2024-03-06 12:45
LordHell commented on issue 0029479
2024-03-06 12:45
helper assigned issue 0029483 to Kyckax
2024-03-06 12:42
helper created issue 0029483
2024-03-06 12:42
LordHell commented on issue 0029482
2024-03-06 12:01
mustdie assigned issue 0029482 to LordHell
2024-03-06 09:57
mustdie created issue 0029482
2024-03-06 09:57
2024-03-06 09:18
Bubbles6666 created issue 0029481
2024-03-06 09:18
helper assigned issue 0029480 to xsinon1
2024-03-06 09:06
helper created issue 0029480
2024-03-06 09:06
helper assigned issue 0029479 to LordHell
2024-03-06 08:50
helper created issue 0029479
2024-03-06 08:50