View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013144Legion CoreAchievements / Достиженияpublic2020-12-20 00:49
Reporterleandro911Assigned ToVietnamFlashbacks 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0013144: Northrend Tamer -
DescriptionThis achievement can't be completed because there are no battle-pets in Crystalsong Forest and in Storm Peaks. I searched both areas 3 times, in different days, never found a valid battle pet.

Here's the link for the achievement:
Steps To ReproduceJust implement battle-pets in Crystalsong Forest and in Storm Peaks. There are critters, but none can be battled.


related to 0009405 confirmedMernhard Битвы питомцев 

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-12-19 13:09 leandro911 New Issue
2020-12-19 13:09 leandro911 Status new => assigned
2020-12-19 13:09 leandro911 Assigned To => VietnamFlashbacks
2020-12-20 00:48 VietnamFlashbacks Note Added: 0039060
2020-12-20 00:48 VietnamFlashbacks Relationship added related to 0009405
2020-12-20 00:49 VietnamFlashbacks Status assigned => closed
2020-12-20 00:49 VietnamFlashbacks Resolution open => duplicate