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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0027276Legion CoreClasses - Hunter - Охотникpublic2023-11-18 22:50
ReporterAldrahinAssigned ToGhost 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindowsOS10OS Versionx64
Summary0027276: Hunter`s Mark interaction with LoS [Mythicwow-Garothix25]
in the following Video you can see that "Hunter's Mark [185365]" is getting applied to both Dummies. One of the Dummys is LoS -> works correctly
After pressing "Marked Shot [185901]" only the Target which is in LoS gets hit by it. -> works correctly
Now iam changing my position so the Dummy who still didn´t got hit by "Marked Shot" is attackable, but i cant use "Marked Shot" anymore even tho the second Dummy still has the "Hunters Mark" Debuff.
Iam casting Aimed Shot on the Second Dummy to prove he is in my Line of Sight now, butt still Marked Shot on "3" cannot be pressed.
This issue remains the same even when disabling Elvui and any other addons that i have.

This will often happen in MoS due to the limited space. But its still happening in other dungeons too!

Everything is shown in the Video below:
Steps To ReproduceDo it like in the Video
Additional InformationОт тестера:

spell id: 185365
spell id: 185901

Смысл в том что у нас Прицельный залп не поражает таргеты в ЛоСе, если в встать как на видео
и перекрыть половину видимости второго таргета, то 185901 его не заденет, человек скинул видео пример с офы
где в утробе душ таргеты которые за стеной получают урон от залпа



2023-08-11 21:33

updater   ~0071795

hi, i checked and all works correctly, other target with hunter mark is out of range your marked shot
and chosen nearest target for shot, if you have proofs how work on retail, please upload video on youtube


2023-08-13 11:20

reporter   ~0071829

the other Target is NOT out of range of my Marked Shot, it is LoS. If you watch the Full Video. At the end iam casting "Aimed shot" on the second Dummy while he still has the "Hunters Mark" but i cannot press "Marked Shot".

On the Video you can see he is casting "Multi Shot" on an NPC which is in his Line of Sight. The NPCS which are behind the Wall are getting hit trough the Wall and he followed it by an "Marked Shot" and even the NPC which are not in his Line of Sight are getting hit. -> How it should work

I casted "Multi Shot" on the Dummy and the LoS Dummy got "Hunters Mark" which it should!
But after Pressing "Marked Shot" only the Target which was in my Line of Sight got hit by the "Marked Shot". The other Dummy should´ve got aswell.


2023-08-13 12:54

reporter   ~0071836
The Video from streamable on youtube

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-11 20:44 Aldrahin New Issue
2023-08-11 20:44 Aldrahin Status new => assigned
2023-08-11 20:44 Aldrahin Assigned To => godxx
2023-08-11 21:33 godxx Note Added: 0071795
2023-08-11 21:33 godxx Status assigned => feedback
2023-08-13 11:20 Aldrahin Note Added: 0071829
2023-08-13 11:20 Aldrahin Status feedback => assigned
2023-08-13 12:54 Aldrahin Note Added: 0071836
2023-08-13 22:43 godxx Assigned To godxx => Ghost
2023-08-13 22:43 godxx Status assigned => confirmed
2023-08-13 22:43 godxx Additional Information Updated View Revisions
2023-11-18 22:50 Ghost Status confirmed => resolved
2023-11-18 22:50 Ghost Resolution open => fixed