View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0028619Legion CoreQuests - Eastern Kingdom / Квесты - Восточные королевстваpublic2024-03-31 16:55
ReporterDeathligerAssigned ToNix 
Status closedResolutionno response from player 
PlatformWindowsOS10OS Versionx64
Summary0028619: Quest "Taking the battlefront" not visible
DescriptionQuest "Taking the battlefront" not visible. Sylvanas isn't giving the quest, but it is showed on the map, that it would be avalaible.
I completed every other quest in silverpine, but can't get any further.
Additional InformationI googled before, and it ws written I should be dismounted for the quest. So I did that, too.
I even logged out & in again dismounted.



2024-03-04 17:40

updater   ~0075134

Can u write .q s 27472 and .q s 27518
Make screenshot with problem?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-02 22:04 Deathliger New Issue
2024-01-02 22:04 Deathliger Status new => assigned
2024-01-02 22:04 Deathliger Assigned To => Nix
2024-03-04 17:40 hellsight Note Added: 0075134
2024-03-04 17:40 hellsight Status assigned => feedback
2024-03-31 16:55 Nix Status feedback => closed
2024-03-31 16:55 Nix Resolution open => no response from player