View Revisions: Issue #12779

Summary 0012779: Pirate Accuracy Increasing
Revision 2020-11-15 19:36 by Alica228
Description The quest cannot be made or completed, because NPC Mazzer don't give you the boat to estinguish the fire.
When you go to the NPC and talk to him there's no option for you to ask him for that boat.

Thousand Needles Quest achievement is doable without this quest. I reported the quest only because will be good to work. :)
Revision 2020-11-09 20:24 by ZeroCool
Description The quest cannot be made or completed, because NPC Mazzer don't give you the boat to estinguish the fire.
When you go to the NPC and talk to him there's no option for you to ask him for that boat.

Thousand Needles Quest achievement is doable without this quest. I reported the quest only because will be good to work. :)