View Revisions: Issue #13584

Summary 0013584: When under Sentinax you should get a buff called shadow of sentinax and the sentinax should spawn portals
Revision 2021-11-25 17:21 by Alica228
Additional Information Порталы под Цербераксом должны появляться сами, как если бы мы использовали итем или другой похожий
If you still do not see portals, you can wait until other players come along to summon them, < or until the Sentinax spawns more, as it will eventually > . Or, you can get Sentinax Beacons by killing the other mobs under the Sentinax. To use a beacon that you get this way, right click it and follow the green beam to where it eventually opens a portal. Hostile mobs will immediately start spawning from it.

Также некоторые мобы застревают в порталах. Их вытащить можно только АоЕ спеллами
Revision 2021-02-18 09:56 by Alica228
Additional Information Порталы под Цербераксом должны появляться сами, как если бы мы использовали итем или другой похожий
If you still do not see portals, you can wait until other players come along to summon them, < or until the Sentinax spawns more, as it will eventually > . Or, you can get Sentinax Beacons by killing the other mobs under the Sentinax. To use a beacon that you get this way, right click it and follow the green beam to where it eventually opens a portal. Hostile mobs will immediately start spawning from it.
Revision 2021-02-18 09:56 by Alica228
Additional Information Порталы под Цербераксом должны появляться сами, как если бы мы использовали итем
If you still do not see portals, you can wait until other players come along to summon them, < or until the Sentinax spawns more, as it will eventually > . Or, you can get Sentinax Beacons by killing the other mobs under the Sentinax. To use a beacon that you get this way, right click it and follow the green beam to where it eventually opens a portal. Hostile mobs will immediately start spawning from it.
Revision 2021-02-03 13:50 by joet456
Additional Information How to get Mark of the Sentinax:

First, find the Sentinax, the big ship that stations itself in different places over the Broken Shore (meaning the island southeast of Dalaran, not the entire Broken Isles continent). You can see its current location by looking at your map while in Broken Shore. Carefully, go under the Sentinax. There may be packs of hostile mobs including elites, so watch where you're going. The normal mobs for that area will also be there, sometimes including powerful rares. When you are under the Sentinax you have the The Shadow of the Sentinax buff.

The Sentinax also shoots a moving death ray over the ground. It's a small but lethal sickly green patch with green falling down into it. Watch for this and stay out of it -- it will kill you.

If you see portals under the Sentinax, kill the stuff coming out of them. Tagging rules are unusual in this area: opposite factions tag things, of course, but so do five of your own faction. You must be one of the first five to hit it in order to get credit. This may not apply to the biggest elites.

If you do not see portals, look around in the whole area under the Sentinax. Portals will be yellow dots on your minimap.

If you still do not see portals, you can wait until other players come along to summon them, or until the Sentinax spawns more, as it will eventually. Or, you can get Sentinax Beacons by killing the other mobs under the Sentinax. To use a beacon that you get this way, right click it and follow the green beam to where it eventually opens a portal. Hostile mobs will immediately start spawning from it.

Killing mobs that come out of portals can get you more powerful beacons. There are also different types of beacons that summon different types of mobs. For more about the different kinds of beacons and how to get them, see the Sentinax portion of the Comprehensive Broken Shore Guide.

For the purpose of this quest, just know that all mobs that come out of portals have a chance to drop Marks, and that harder mobs drop more Marks.

Portals only stay open for a few minutes unless they are extended or empowered with another Beacon. If you get a rare or epic Beacon, it'll summon more powerful mobs, so be careful.

There are places in the Broken Shore that can have portals unrelated to this event. If you're not getting any Marks from mobs out of a portal despite successfully tagging them, and the portal is lasting a lot longer than a few minutes, you may be at one such portal. Ignore that one and keep looking.